Mindful Being

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Do you know your inner guru?

When we are truly awake, our actions begin to emanate from our soul’s purpose rather than from our ego’s purpose.

Our soul inherently knows the path to the best and highest good for all.

Are you ready to wake up more of your true essence?

Sometimes we are proactive in our search to discover who we are beyond the ego, but this is rare. In this age of consumerism, it has become our nature to stay distracted and hide out in our comfort zone. Only after turbulent times do we awaken to our longing for something more. Having to deal with critical issues pushes us to awaken to the deeper aspects of our soul's true path.

I was lost in my search for ‘me’ in the external world. Valuing my self worth on my achievements, my possessions and the views and feedback from others. Ungrounded in my own body, unaware of my own innate wisdom and power, I was at the whim of others’ reactions and expectations.

Then I found my Inner Guru!

When we begin to see the grip that our ego has over our ways of being, we are one step closer to freeing ourselves from our falsehoods and our suffering. What I didn't realise is that I would have to befriend my ego in order to transcend its grip. Understanding the origin and the function of our ego allows us to become free from overthinking, judging and analysing.

Only then can we learn to hear the silent voice, the wiser part of ourselves that knows what's best for our own growth.

If you're curious to understand more about accessing your own innate wisdom, let’s jump on an exploratory call to see if I am the right guide for you.

I guarantee I am probably only a few steps ahead of you on my own journey and the tools and teachings I have embodied may be exactly what you are looking for to catapult your forward on yours.