How To Abide In Your True Essence?
"All spiritual growth, development, and unfoldment is about letting go of something. It’s never about getting or gaining anything because you have emerged from the Eternal with everything".
Michael B. Beckwith
There are those peak experiences in life that really bring you to a place of feeling deeply humbled and forever changed. The reset codes first overseas retreat in Ibiza has been one of these! Being in any immersive experience, be it a retreat, a course or an immersion can lead to sustained transformation if we can commit to keep embodying the lessons.
Spiritual evolution of any kind requires us to keep lifting the weights, so that our mental, emotional and energetic circuitry remains wired for that change.
Devotion is the only practice we need, because that devotion will fuel our desire to keep embracing more of our true essence and to keep radiating that.
We can't just sit around and wait for that loving feeling. We have to remain conscious, to choosing our desired state in order to remain in the higher frequency that attracts the life we are calling in!
'The greatest story ever told is the one you tell yourself about yourself, the one that is True and Real, which is that you have emerged from the Presence with all that the Presence is…but you have to choose it! You have to say yes to it! You have to surrender to it! You have to allow it!'
Michael B. Beckwith
Transformation awaits. How high are you ready to rise?
'When you embrace and embody your true essence, wherever you go you are at home. To embrace that essence you must come to know and then accept all parts of yourself- light and shadow. To radiate that essence you must remain devoted to your inner work and removing all barriers that stand in the way of you accessing all of your souls potential'
Louise Harris
We never heal in isolation. We heal in relationships and safe containers.
"The spiritual path is not a solo endeavour. In fact, the very notion of a self who is trying to free her/ himself is a delusion. We are in it together and the company of spiritual friends helps us realize our interconnectedness."
Tara Brach
Abide in your true essence is a community platform for remembering more of our innate essence and supporting one another when we forget so that we can sustain the change and transformation and have ripple effect on the wider collective.