Mindful Being

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Interrupt your thinking mind, drop into the magic and the wisdom in your body and get intimate with this life!! 

Are you itching for more of you? Unfiltered and unapologetic?

Does awakening your life force (sexual energy) to raise your daily vitality sing to you?

Are you ready to come home to yourself? Not just knowing who you are intellectually but by anchoring this knowing into the core of your body and living from there?

Do you desire to live with more ease and to moving through life’s challenges with grace and deep trust in yourself?

What about your intuition – how about magnifying this beyond what you ever imagined possible?

How’s your body confidence and would you like to fully embrace the fullness of your feminine?

Does the ritual and ceremony call to you and what about making the mundane magic?

Do you want to embody the truth that you are the creator of your own reality?

Are you ready to walk the path of the heart warrior by developing the courage to live with an open heart and come to know the strength that lies in your vulnerability?

Does a tantric life appeal to you? That’s a leaning into life fully without, resistance to experiences intimacy with self, with others and then with all of life!

The true essence path is about reclaiming our wholeness and it’s the journey that never ends. In my experience it’s a path that becomes richer with time. I hope to bestow the gifts of this journey to as many as feel called to walk with me…

The True Essence Path is forever evolving as I weave in the embodied wisdom that I have anchored in and also the growth and transformation that I continue to witness in my students. 


'Once you begin to speak your truth and the higher involutionary currents begin to use your voice to transmit their truths, there is No Return. At this point you have broken away from the lower realms forever, taking the leap from worship to embodiment'.
Richard Rudd