Mindful Being

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Unshakable Connection With Yourself

“Nothing we can do is more important for the whole than our own individual spiritual growth. Second to that though, is finding our Soul’s purpose and actualising it”

I spent this weekend shadow seeking with some incredible humans dedicated to their own healing and growth. The shamanic path regularly brings you to your your growth edge. Over time your trust becomes so embodied that even the biggest of life catalyst cannot shake your core stability. Through my own shadow work and coaching men and women to reach their potential, I am always blown away by the alchemy of awareness - becoming aware of what's keeping us bound. The beliefs and core wounds that are keeping us repeatedly stuck in old patterns are hidden. Shamanic work can bring the unconscious into the light of awareness and so too can energy coaching.  
Its's only when we we bring shadows into the light that we alchemise our pain into pleasure and find the gift hiding behind the shadow. 
The more you illuminate what's keeping you bound, the deeper your unshakable connection with yourself grows.
Working with a coach is the most effective way of transcending old patterns. Once your limited beliefs are illuminated (a good coach will spot this before you do) there is a resourcing process that needs to take place. This creates a safe growth container to identify where you want to be and where your gaps are.
I've come to love having my own core limited beliefs called out from hiding by a coach and seeing where my gaps are because I'm devoted to evolving. 

'Growth requires change at the level of our self concept and we are often in the dark as to what that self concept is. Once we've illuminated what's holding us back and brought it into the light of awareness it doesn't have the same hold over us. This is the path to transformation and to finding your unique genius gifts' 
Louise Harris