Mindful Being

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Lack, or abundance?

"When we learn to LOVE ALL OUR PARTS, we can learn to love all people — and that will contribute to healing the world..."

Richard Schwartz

This week held an abundance of opportunities to develop my spiritual maturity, which always leads to wise choices - and for that, I am deeply grateful.

Last weekend I gathered with some courageous shamanic practitioners to dive into the wheel of sexuality - The Lover’s Masks - what an eye-opener! Humanity holds so much shame around sexuality, yet our sexual energy is our life force. It's our superpower, from where life is birthed and where our creative expression arises.

I was so moved by this immersive training that I have no doubt I will journey further with this work and expand my own capacity as a teacher to hold space for others to do this level of transformational inner work.

This week also took those of us on the Embody Your True Essence immersion into week 5 - Lack of consciousness versus abundance - illuminating the ego's limited and incorrect belief in lack or unworthiness and introducing practices to correct this belief.

Linked to the root chakra energy and the flight response of the nervous system, when this belief of the ego is in the driving seat of lives, we attract more lack and repel abundance.

Giving is evidence of having, and seeking is evidence of lacking. This is a powerful week of meditation, mantra and kriya pranayama, along with contemplation to loosen our lack from thinking, and more importantly from our energy body so that we can interact with and attract experiences that serve our highest potential.

If you're curious to understand how our protective human personalities keep us bound and you are ready to reprogram this outdated system and replace it with new circuitry that can open up a myriad of possibilities, there's one spot left on the 8-week next immersion recommencing February.

'Only what I do not give can ever be lacking'