Embody Your True Essence
An online immersion to expand your spiritual intelligence to embody more of your soulful self. This is master class level aimed at yoga practitioners, and meditators, but most importantly those of you with a deep desire to understand yourself at a deeper level. The rich content of this course will enhance your life and you will naturally carry forth this wisdom to help and support many others.
Embody Your True Essence is the second stage of the True Essence Journey.
If we don’t understand exactly what the ego is and why it functions the way it does, it will always stay one step ahead of us and keep us trapped in suffering.
But once we turn the light on, the game is up.
When we understand what the ego really is, we become free. Until we witness it and keep the light on it, we return to old patterns and ways of being that perpetuate our suffering and keep us playing small. When I say playing small, I mean not accessing the bliss states that are available to every one of us. How often do you slip under your bed sheets at night, in a state of unbroken inner peace and gratitude for all of the ups and downs that the flow of life delivered to you that day?
In order to find the switch and turn the lights on, we have to know where to look. Because this is all subconscious, our chances of finding the roots are worse than finding a needle in a haystack.
How I can help
Embodying the content of this course catapulted me from a life of feeling trapped in a corporate job which made me feel safe but stifled my energy and creativity to founding my own soul-led business that fills me up each day. I’ve had to overcome some deep shadows, shine a light on myself sabotage and fear of being seen and speaking my truth.
This involves some work, so if you’re not committed to your growth this is not the course for you. If self-enquiry and understanding yourself more with a view to expanding your soulful self is your thing – jump in and you’ll never look back!
This is the most value for money experience you’ll invest in. It’s hard to put a price on something that dramatically speeds up the process of self-realisation and radically changes the way you look at life.
“Every course I have spent £££ on has felt like pennies when I reflect on the impact it’s had on my life and the life of those I engage with. Having said that, if you’re new to doing the inner work then I understand that you may have lots of questions before you commit to this deeper work.” - Louise
Please contact me to book a complimentary call to explore if this masterclass is right for you.
Feel into these statements and see how they land in your body
Would you like to harmonise your masculine and feminine energies and work with both these powerful energies to catapult your forward on your journey of self growth.
Understand what your protective personality is, and how it claims itself to be the real you, masking your true essence?
Know why you get triggered and feel the need to defend yourself?
Learn how to dissolve the armour and protection that keep you playing it small by shining a spotlight on it ?
Get underneath the reason for your reactions and see how your ego is trying to protect your identity ?
Learn to see how your identity is like a bullseye on your back, making you a target to being charged and triggered by others, leaving you feeling like a victim ?
Understand the insecurities that underlie your identity?
How guilt and projection wreak havoc on your wellbeing ?
How to become unattached, associated and entirely liberated?
Learn to be the watcher and realise that you cannot be guilty for all the things you feel guilty for ?
Come to understand deeply that the world you see is merely a reflection of your own internal frame of reference and how, when you learn to look at things differently the things you look at change – you give everything its meaning ?
Explore how guilt motivates your actions ?
Understand that what we judge in another, we have already judged in ourselves?
Explore your aversions and attachments and how they cause your suffering ?
Move towards 4th density consciousness – from a feeling of separateness to a knowing of oneness?
Learn to see the lessons in every experience ?
Master self-enquiry?
Cultivate a decisive mind that clears the way for unadulterated inner peace?
Understand your intelligent emotional guidance system and how it lets you know you're off track ?
Understand the beliefs that feed the ego, the emotions that feed these beliefs and the antidote to help dissolve these beliefs so that the soulful self can be freed?
Deeply understand the real you- embody your soulful self – your true essence?
This approach to healing draws upon ancient yoga practices, now proven by modern science to enhance awareness and breath and movement purify the energy body. This dualistic approach is powerful and over 7 weeks the results will be witnessed playing out in your real sandhana - your daily life.
Embody Your True Essence - Online Course
This course begins on 30th October 2024. There will be a gap on the 6th November and then we resume for the next 6 consecutive weeks, completing on 18th December.
We will gather online for 90 minutes every Wednesday evening for eight consecutive weeks.
Each week you will work with a meditation to support your inner work based on a theme for that week.
You will receive a worksheet each week to facilitate and help catalyse your understanding.
As we progress through the course we will support the mind-based training, contemplation, and meditation with embodied practices. This will include a progressive breathwork practice to purify and enhance the life force energy to integrate the work and embodied movement.
This immersive experience will be held in a safe container of 6, all invested in their personal growth.
What to expect
Week 1: Understanding how guilt and projection underpin your protective personality.
Week 2: You are your own guru. The model of awakening. Moving from duality to unity consciousness.
Week 3: Your intelligent emotional guidance system.
Week 4: The power of self enquiry.
Week 5: Lack is an illusion. Abundance is reality.
Week 6: Self-preservation identification and attachment to outcomes.
Week 7: Releasing the grip of control – the freedom of NonDoaship
Allowing coherence to permeate all areas of your life.
It is my intention to hold intimate gatherings and provide daily touchpoints to maximise this deeply healing journey. If this feels like a stretch too far for you right now, but you want to begin some spiritual self-enquiry, then you may want to start with Embrace Your True Essence..
How much does it cost?
The 8-week online programme costs £444. Please contact me if you would like to arrange to pay in two instalments of £222.
Throughout the eight weeks, I will be advising a pure diet and some dietary tips to optimise your experience and access the most benefits.
‘‘Embody your true essence is illuminating, enlightening, radical, surprising, even shocking....it has given me greater insight, self-awareness, raised my consciousness, enhanced my understanding & given me lots of "aha" moments......I've found a new way to see, it's turned things upside down & inside out, brought me to tears, of both sadness & joy. If you're willing & ready, it's a courageous journey of discovery into one's unease & the true heart of who you really are. I'm so appreciative of the opportunity, and to have shared the experience with such a beautiful, wonderful bevy of powerful women"
Liz- student of embody
— Anonymous