Shamanic Healing
We are conditioned to believe there is a separation between the unseen and the seen worlds, the energetic and the material worlds, the spiritual and the scientific worlds. The truth is, it's really all one thing on a single spectrum of various degrees of density or light.
Waking up to your true essence
Have you recently had a wake-up call in your personal life? Do you recognise that, on a planetary level, there are signs all around that we need to heal ourselves and change the outer conditions of our world?
If you’re seeking a more fulfilling way to be on this planet and longing for a soulful path of living, the shamanic healing process can guide you there.
Today, many of us are called to enter the world of shamanic consciousness. We are seeking a consciousness born of integrity, love and introspection. And we have a burning desire for healing and integration to occur among local cultures and races.
We are truly awake. Our actions begin to emanate from our soul’s purpose rather than from our ego’s purpose. Our soul inherently knows the path to the best and highest good for all.
What is shamanic healing?
The shaman is often viewed as the medicine man or woman, and the wisdom keeper of the tribe. There are numerous wonderful methods and pathways to encounter high states of being and self-discovery, but the shamanic healing process is unique and experiential
In shamanic traditions, healers or shamans attempted to restore balance to others by performing sacred rites or ceremonies that usually included prayers, songs, chants and rituals.
They invoked power animal spirit guides and allies for assistance in a journey into other realms in search of healing and wisdom for those in need.
The shaman has long been the archetypal image of one who knows how to use higher love and wisdom to navigate between the worlds of matter and spirit. Shamans are shapeshifters who know how to open the bigger energies to the cosmos, find larger answers to problems and challenges and bring healing to themselves and their communities.
Just as we are connected to the natural world, from a shamanic perspective, we are also connected to the supernatural spiritual world, that goes beyond the physical.
We are all intimately connected to the elements, the cycles of change the spirit world and the earth. The shaman knows we are all multi-dimensional beings living simultaneously on many planes of existence.
What to expect in your first shamanic healing
I offer both in-person and distance options, although have found that distance shamanic healing is more powerful. I begin with an assessment journey to find out what healing would be for your highest good at this time.
I will then send you some information relating to that healing and if you choose to go ahead, I will let you know when I plan to do the journey.
The preparation for the journey and the journey itself can take some time and depends on the type of healing that you have. Once the healing is complete, I will then contact you to give you a report and there may be several stages to the healing again depending on the type of healing you are having.
How much does it cost?
Remote shamanic healing
Assessment journey and report £25
The healing and report £50
Total £75
In-person shamanic healing
Assessment journey and report £25
The healing and report £75
Total £100
This is experiential in nature and hard to put into words – here are some testimonials from people who have experienced remote shamanic healing journeys.
“I have worked with Louise for a while now and her calling to become a Shamanic Practitioner is so genuine and from her heart. Having focused mainly on movement and mind training with her in the past, I was open-minded, but naive, to shamanic medicine. I wholeheartedly trust Louise so was curious to experience my first healing.
Louise did a distance assessment and told me that extraction healing was what came up as needed. She sent some information that explained that - due to fracturing of the spirit self and soul parts leaving - my spirit body had openings that collected intruding energies that don’t belong, including those from others. It really, really resonated with me.
The healing report that she shared really brought up a lot for me and has continued to be present in my mind as I start to integrate it into how I am feeling physically, mentally and emotionally.
I had absolutely no idea what to expect, and I am still learning about this healing type and process. But what I can’t shift was how I felt after the healing. I rarely feel the cold, but for a few days, I was shivery and had to wear far more layers than normal - with no other symptoms that would suggest I was ill. It was the healing, for sure. When I fed back to Louise, she explained it can be an embodied reaction to the energy starting to flow as it should. It was undeniable. Since, I have felt lighter, more energetic and more at peace. It helped me confirm some decisions I was making at the time and I am excited to see what else we can explore together.
For anyone who is unsure or even skeptical, I would encourage you to work with Louise with an open-mind as she is absolutely wonderful!”
“That this took place remotely was no less impactful and, whilst I spent the actual time of the healing in deep thought about whatever came to mind, it was then followed by a beautiful and generous description from Louise of the journey she had been through on my behalf of this shamanic healing. What I really can’t get over, and I really mean this is, how all the images that she described so perfectly tuned in to some important things going on in my life currently and that led me to many thoughts that directly addressed what was causing me anguish, even though I didn’t realise how central it was”.
“What a wonderful, powerful, precious gift Louise was able to share with me. I’ve encountered some amazing, wonderful, mind-boggling things, but this has to be the most powerful experience I’ve had since my first which set me on my spiritual journey.”
— Sarah