Embody Higher Frequencies
When we combine yoga asana and pranayama with deep self enquiry our capacity to know our true essence is magnified.
For healers, inspirers, teachers coaches and lightworkers from all walks of life.
Embody Higher Frequencies is the third stage of the True Essence Journey.
In this programme, you will embody your true essence through ancient yoga practices that will…
Purify and balance the lower Centers
Open the Sushumna through Kriya (spinal nerve)
Activate the Heart, Throat and Third Eye Centers
Activate the Crown.
Be at one with your soulful self
This is a feminine healing journey that accesses and cultivates our primal, life force energy. The intention to move prana/ life force energy, enhances our ability to know and perceive the essence inside our own body system . This is foundational to being the highest frequency version of ourselves.
We are landing our attention in our inner being, to the degree that is all that exists is that that moment.
As that happens, the mind is completely at one with the soulful self and our true essence dictates our life not protective personality. This begins in a daily practice and then extends into all aspects of our lives. We begin to have ongoing access to a deeper love and the infinite possibilities of who we are beyond the five senses as our bodies vibrate at a higher frequency.
Who is it for?
This 6-week journey is for those that have completed the Embody Your True Essence course and are ready to uplevel their feminine healing using the container of the masculine that we cultivated through the 8 week masterclass.
The requirement for completing Embody Your True essence before this course is so that you have foundations in place to support you when powerful shifts happen – and they will.
Where and when?
Starting January 2025, we will gather online in circle on Wednesday evenings for 6 weeks . There will be workbooks and video recordings of the daily energy practices to support your journey each week. We will be using the catalyst journal to integrate the lessons that life is gifting us to grow through.
The next container commences January 8th - February 12th
Do not underestimate the power of these practices to transmute anything that no longer serves your higher life path
Cost: £388 for a 6-week course
“Start from where you are … there is nothing to catch up, Trust that you are exactly where you need to be right now” … These are just two of the immensely comforting teachings I have taken from Louise’s True Essence course.
There is nothing to strive for in this container; just a beautiful revelation of who were really are as women and as spiritual beings. The relief of sinking into this group and feeling held as I allow my true self to emerge is beyond words … so many thanks to Louise, and to my fellow travellers on the True Essence journey”
— Jayne Sykes