The True Essence Journey
A soulful exploration for women seeking self-discovery, healing, empowerment, and enhanced wellbeing.
This programme has been designed so that you can experience a journey on your terms.
You can start with stage one, Embrace Your True Essence, and if you feel called to, you can progress through the True Essence journey to Embody Your True Essence and Embody Higher Frequencies. If you choose to complete the journey, you will have access to our True Essence community via a monthly subscription, Abide In Your True Essence.
A transformative 4-week online course integrating shamanic ritual and ceremony. Dive into a small, supportive group as you unravel past conditioning, connect with your divine feminine, and Embrace Your True Essence.
Book online to embark on this unique journey of self-discovery.
Progress on to the Embody Your True Essence course to go deeper, to understand your ego, dissolve protective patterns and reach higher states of consciousness.
This 8-week online programme offers a profound journey from self-sabotage to soul-led living.
Contact me to find out more and to commit to your growth and experience a life-changing transformation.
For healers, inspirers, teachers, and lightworkers, the Embody Higher Frequencies course draws on ancient yoga practices to purify energy centres and teaches you to become your own Guru.
This 6-week journey is advanced and requires students to have completed the Embody Your True Essence course.
Contact me to book, the first step to nurture your self-growth and embrace vulnerability as the path to greater clarity and purpose.
Step into Abide in Your True Essence, an intimate growth container for women evolving into soulful self-leadership.
Join this subscription-based community offering a monthly theme, online ceremonial gatherings, weekly wisdom shares, and movement/breath practices.
Enhance your experience with personalised 121 coaching sessions for a deeper exploration of your journey.
Subscribe now for a transformative, supportive space to celebrate your brilliance and amplify your unique gifts.
For some, the true essence path may be triggered by external circumstances such as addiction, anxiety, depression, chronic illness, divorce, or a change of career. These challenges can shake the foundations of our lives and force us to confront our beliefs, values, and priorities. They can be catalysts for self-reflection and introspection, pushing us to delve deeper into our inner world and uncover our true essence.
Women who choose to embark on this journey share a common desire to know themselves on a deeper level and experience a greater sense of peace, joy, abundance, and a profound sense of being at home within themselves. They are ready to peel away the layers of conditioning, societal expectations, and past traumas that may have kept them disconnected from their authentic selves. They yearn to live a life aligned with their true values and passions, and to cultivate a deep sense of self-love and self-acceptance.
Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth is a courageous and transformative endeavour. It is a path that can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself, a greater sense of purpose, and a more fulfilling and meaningful life. The true essence path is a journey that meets you where you are, whether you find yourself at a crossroads in life, facing challenges in your relationships, or seeking answers to the bigger questions about your purpose and passion.
On the true essence path, individuals may explore various modalities and practices that support their personal growth and self-discovery. This may include therapy, mindfulness and meditation, journaling, energy healing, yoga, and other forms of self-care. Through these practices, individuals can cultivate self-awareness, develop emotional resilience, and learn to navigate life's challenges with grace and equanimity.
The true essence path is not a linear journey with a fixed destination. It is a continuous process of growth and evolution, with ups and downs, twists and turns. It requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. As women delve deeper into their inner world, they may uncover hidden strengths, passions, and talents that have been dormant or neglected. They may also confront limiting beliefs, fears, and patterns that no longer serve them, and learn to release and heal from past wounds.
Ultimately, the true essence path is about coming home to oneself. It is about reconnecting with the essence of who we truly are, beyond the roles we play and the masks we wear. It is about living authentically and embracing our unique gifts and purpose. Through this journey of self-discovery, women can cultivate a deep sense of inner peace, joy, abundance, and a profound connection with themselves and the world around them.
“From the very first session I was hooked. The soul truths we started with on Embody Your True Essence were deeply profound. The daily practice of kriya pranayama and meditations have been amazing and I have recordings to listen to at any time to continue my journey and revisit as I need to”
“Louise’s guidance which brought a sense of calm and higher knowing to my daily routine. I now feel that there’s no going back and welcome the journey ahead, moving into my future self”.