Mindful Being

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Unlock dormant DNA by remembering who you really are

“Because of the heightened sensitivity of your DNA, everything in your life, from the food you eat to the people you live with, is co-creating your body via your attitude. Your attitude determines the nature of the electromagnetic signals that reach your DNA.”

Richard Rudd

Last week I received a strong download that I was to create a sacred container to support myself and others through a daily practice of self-remembrance. My EGO had a field day with this message from my higher self. Telling me all the reasons under the sun why that wouldn't be a safe bet.

So I observed my ego, let it pipe down and listen for the quieter voice of my soulful self which guided me back to being in service to my community, embodying soulful leadership and my soul purpose, to help others remember and embody their true essence.

'Ego eradicator'

A name borrowed from a kundalini breath practice seemed appropriate to grab the attention of those ready to liberate themselves from their protective personalities.

The title evolved to illuminate ego, and over 40 inspiring self-mastery students are currently engaged in this 13-day process.

We are graduality witnessing ego's outdated programme that tries to keep us safe but living the small self and in doing so, allowing the voice of the higher self to be heard.

The practice of unhooking from ego has catapulted me forward on my own journey of self-remembrance and the many gifts that have brought with it.

This self-enquiry journey goes way beyond the self

“The ego is a marvellous fiction. A Novel written by ourselves about ourselves. And the very first step on the Quest is to disentangle ourselves from its seduction and to dis- identify with its manuscript, we, and the collective consensus around us, have created”

YATRI – the mysterious birth of a new species

Once we are awake to the process of self-remembrance it becomes a way of life. The non-attached, higher self, moves into the forefront of our lives. When we fall asleep at the wheel of life, the observer self we have strengthened with practice, quickly bursts into action and refocuses our attention back to the truth of any situation and more importantly our personal truth.

So imagine yourself being pulled into a heated conversation – all your strings are being pulled, and just before you react from your conditioned ways of being, your higher self communicates ‘pause’. Because you have been practising tuning into its voice, you hear it and you give yourself the biggest gift – you pause, you breathe and you connect with the highest version of yourself before you respond.

Everyone gets to benefit from you expressing as your highest self, and the ripple effect of this way of being goes way beyond you.

If this body of work feels appealing to you and you’d like to journey with me and other heart-centred beings, you can register now for new courses running from the Autumn. There are just a few spots left in each online container. I limit the numbers limited to keep the experience intimate.

“Through the magnetism of your living aura, you draw in or limit the frequencies of light deep into the cellular structure of your body. If you live your life out of fear, magnetically speaking you limit the amount of light that touches your DNA. The more open-hearted you are, the more you magnetise higher frequencies into that very same DNA. It is only at certain frequencies that particular codes can be activated.”

Richard Rudd