Mindful Being

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Vital life force energy, where does yours go?

Our vital life force can get drawn into sustaining old patterns and habits that keep us safe, but stuck. When we heal, we unbind this energy and this alchemy becomes the source of our personal evolution. We grow and expand into the highest expression of our true nature.

Can you think of any areas of your life where your vital energy is being drained?

Imagine rewiring this to serve your life purpose.

Sexual energy is our life force energy, and is evolution’s urge to create. Our life force energy expresses in each of us uniquely. How are you channelling yours?

My current obsession with the biology behind the awakening process has fuelled my desire to support those that are deeper into their spiritual growth journey. So if that's you, take a look at what's new ...

What is sexual energy?

Coming to understand sexual energy as spiritual or creative energy has been enlightening for me and many of my students. When we begin mastering our life force energy (which is sexual energy) we can experience a range of enjoyable and often not-so-enjoyable symptoms, at the same time as tapping into our innate gifts.

During a period of awakening to our true essence, we arouse our own life force energy which we use to purchase more and more expansion.

When we begin becoming more spiritually evolved, our sexual energy begins climbing its way up the spine, being sublimated slowly through the energy centres. When sexual energy begins to make its way up into the heart chakra, the Green Ray, our Kundalini Awakening process is well underway.

Where are you investing your creative LFE?

Are you using it to create yourself? To actualise into higher and higher expressions of your potential?

The next Embrace and Embody Your True Essence journeys are the golden path to liberating your potential. As you heal, you evoke your inner guru and the journey of self-discovery becomes a lifelong love affair with getting to know your authentic truth.