Mindful Being

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What's the most important knowledge you can ever acquire?

‘Coming to know your inner being is the most important knowledge you can ever acquire and living from that place is fulfilment'

The degree to which I remember to drop into that place of stillness each day is how I measure my own spiritual muscle. This daily commitment evolves from a practice to a way of being.

Over time, we come to live in that space and lose the ability to be in any other space but that.

The deep devotional practice that rewires our circuitry for stillness and contemplation is what we've just completed over the last 8 weeks of Embody Your True Essence.

This 8-week immersion uses masculine and feminine approaches to healing and transformation. Meditation, contemplation, mantra, kriya pranayama, and ecstatic breathwork; this a purification process for the mind and body.

Our unhealthy patterns fall away and anything in alignment with our true nature remains

The next immersion is almost full, with just one spot left recommencing on February 22nd 2023.

This is by far the most important journey of self-discovery and follows on nicely from Embrace Your True Essence or for anyone who's been meditating consistently for a while.

Our mind are always trying to work things out, but our heart knows”

Louise Harris