Brilliant & Imperfect

If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”
Brené Brown

One of the many powerful coaching techniques that I use with my students and one that hugely activated my own growth, takes us into an embodied experience of our inner most yearnings.
Often what we think we are working towards and what drives our actions is not in alignment with our souls calling. Once we've connected with this yearning there's no going back.
Once we'd had a visceral experience of the freedom, the expansion or connection that our longing illuminates, we cannot unsee it.
The challenge we then face are the limited beliefs that create the invisible barrier to us accessing our highest potential.
We all have a tendency to create an inner glass ceiling, that limits the amount of growth we believe we can access. Dismantling the limiting self concepts and stories that keep us bound requires a compassionate approach, in a coaching container that holds space for everything to to be witnessed and felt.

The process of breaking through old self concepts and limiting beliefs requires a safe coaching container that cultivates the ripe conditions for growth.
This magic growth zone requires us to acknowledge our brilliance and our imperfections and use both as catalyst for transformational and sustainable change. 

This process begins with extraordinary awareness. We remove our attention from ordinary awareness; the to do list or our caretaking responsibilities and we turn it inwards. This a sensory based process that allows us to get straight to the opportunity and the barriers and create a powerful actionable pathway towards exponential growth!
My online energy coaching begins with permission to be brilliant and imperfect and a foundational understanding that all our challenges and setbacks are essential for our growth!


Dare To Connect With Your Deeper Yearning


What is healing really?