Mindful Being

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Age backwards

"Nobody gets through life without a degree of suffering or betrayal or illness or loss. The question is, every time that dark quality comes into our lives, what do we do? How do we respond?... What have we learned? How can we grow through this?"

—Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD

FACT: Meditators are biologically younger!

We've known this for a while and new science has now proven that those meditating regularly have favourable gene expression and these changes can occur early on in your meditation journey! Curious to know more? Look up epigenetics and meditation.

Humans may be living longer, but not healthier

On average, the last 16 years of a human’s life involves an increasing level of sickness. Lifespan without health span.

There is a myriad of ways to slow down and reverse ageing. Working with the energy body is one of them.

If you are in our Facebook community you may have seen the daily posts this week where I've been sharing information on the energy centres. Simply put, our energy body is where our traumas, pain and negative energies get stored. Every negative emotion you've ever felt, which wasn't met with acceptance, gets trapped somewhere in the energy body. Where it gets trapped depends on the self-perception that the emotion was caused by.

When energy isn't moving (energy should always be in motion) our cells begin to age and we can manifest


Remove energy blocks to access more of your potential

Are you ready to nail your meditation practice once and for all without falling off the waggon or to deepen your own practice? Would you like to master your energy body?

Energy coaching supports you with your mind training and goes much deeper by energetically getting underneath the distortions in the energy flow to allow exponential healing and transformation.