Diving deeper to rise higher

“Through the magnetism of your living aura, you draw in or limit the frequencies of light deep into the cellular structure of your body. If you live your life out of fear, magnetically speaking you limit the amount of light that touches your DNA. The more open-hearted you are, the more you magnetise higher frequencies into that very same DNA. It is only at certain frequencies that particular codes can be activated”

Richard Rudd

3 years ago I stepped onto the shamanic path

I had no idea where this would take me, I was following a strong calling. This weekend I step into a deeper shamanic container - embracing the shadow.

When we make a commitment like this, life starts to show us what we are going to be healing. The last month has been full of opportunities to expand my awareness and witness some of the shadow frequencies that I still fall into, which I explore further in this youtube clip

I've never felt more ready to dive into this deeper work.

I've always said and continue to uphold the belief that my students are my greatest teachers. They motivate me to go further with my own healing. Observing my students flourish, tap into their inner wisdom and access their soul’s gifts, fuels my own desire to keep growing.

Feminine Alchemy is a journey that requires courage, self-compassion, the ability to hold space for yourself and others. It brings you to a place of eldership within yourself as you access parts of your being that were hidden, waiting patiently for the time when you feel ready to respond to your soul’s longing to embody all parts of your true essence.

This incredible journey to embody the deeper feminine recommences in October at the Harewood Estate in Leeds.


The wobble starts inside of us


Your sacred wound is your gift