Going where few dare to go
'For me, transformation is having had the courage to find the gift that lies in the heart of my own pain and then being able to see another's suffering with deeper compassion'
Louise Harris
Once we have some tools to keep us grounded in our core stability, and we know how to bring our nervous system back into balance quickly, we’re ready to take the deeper journey to into ourselves.
Why, and how, do we do this?
This often begins with a life wake-up call, alerting us that we are 'off-track’. Frequently, it's a deep longing to understand the mystery of ourselves. This urge comes from the belief that there must be more.
This curiosity and the inner knowing that we are more than what we've been conditioned to believe we are, underlies the urge to keep us turning inwards.
As our spiritual intelligence grows, we develop the capacity to see our patterns, unconscious biases and projections. By filling them with emotional awareness we find the gift held inside the challenges, traumas and conditioning.
The gifts are unique to each of us
When we access these gifts our life path is accelerated, we deepen our relationship with our unique essence and widen our capacity to feel love, experience freedom and live our dreams. What does anyone want more than that?
'The wound sits in an ocean of bliss'
Richard Rudd
What are the foundations for this inner work?
This is the journey of empowerment! We arrive at this stage when we’re ready, and only when we are truly ready. Courage, compassion - and trust that this journey is so worth it.