Metamorphosis. Is it time for yours?

"We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.”

LeeAnn Taylor

We are all evolving

During this number 7 universal year, life on school room Earth will ask us to become still enough to allow more self-introspection. If you are ready, this year has the potential for serious transformation.

A year of shedding old skins and stepping into a more expanded version of yourself. If you are committed, this could be the year when you alchemise your pain into your pleasure and remember your innate gifts - the unique medicine that your soul came to express in service to humanity.

My current students on Embrace Your True Essence are courageously going deeper inside to witness where their protective personalities are keeping them separate from their true essence. When we look at our inner child wounds, illuminate our lack of consciousness, our resistance to self-honour and our need to control rather than trust, we can start to embody the future self on our highest vibrational timeline.

Are you beginning to see through illusion's veils and remember your unique essence?

‘Embody your true essence is illuminating, enlightening, radical, surprising, even shocking. It has given me greater insight, self-awareness, raised my consciousness, enhanced my understanding & given me lots of "aha" moments. I've found a new way to see. It's turned things upside down & inside out, brought me to tears, of both sadness & joy. If you're willing & ready, it's a courageous journey of discovery into one's unease & the true heart of who you really are. I'm so appreciative of the opportunity, and to have shared the experience with such a beautiful, wonderful bevy of powerful women"

Liz- student of Embody Your True Essence

Sound to support you

As you heal, you evoke your inner guru and the journey of self-discovery becomes a lifelong love affair with getting to know your authentic truth.

The metamorphosis is an individual and a collective journey. Here's an energy transmission for your playlist.


Are you an evolutionary?


Dare to be different