No acquiring or achievement brings us closer to contentment - so what does?

We all carry the blueprint for the highest expressions of ourselves. No acquiring or achievement brings us closer to contentment. The journey towards harmony and abundant joy is a journey inwards. It can feel uncomfortable and takes courage, but it's so worth it.

'Nothing is going to satisfy you because nothing can be attained in the outside world that can be compared to the inner treasure, to the light, to the inner bliss' - OSHO

Be who you are

Nobody teaches us to do the inner work. Often it's a life event that gifts us the awareness that we’re not in harmony, that we’re in the grip of control, that we have everything we worked hard for but rarely access the higher bliss states and the happiness we long for.

In the awareness that we’re off course, we begin to ask the big questions - is this it? What is my purpose? What are my deepest desires and passions? This self-enquiry is the beginning of the journey inwards, to access the bliss that resides inside. Our conditioned ways of being and protective personality put up a strong challenge in doing this work, so having a coach or a guide on this journey can keep us on track.

Choosing to do your inner work is a courageous step and if you would like a guide on your journey then please reach out. Having had my own dark night of the soul and an intense wrestle with my ego, I come with deep compassion and a strong desire to support you wherever you are on your own journey. My coaching style is grounded in my calling to help you remember your own innate wisdom.

Success is an expression of the unfoldment of your true nature

Ultimately this is about doing less and experiencing exponentially more abundance in all areas of life.

Getting underneath the protective personality to access your innate wisdom is the foundation of energy coaching. If you're curious to know more you can book a free exploratory call with me to determine if this feels right for you.

Coaching sessions are booked as a block of 5 weekly sessions where learn to soften the grip of the mind and tap into our bodies intelligence.

When we've trained the mind to be a servant to our intuitive wisdom, our life unfolds with more ease and a lot less effort.


How 2% of your day can make the other 98% flow with more ease


Nourish, empower and activate at my Bell Tent Retreat, 2-3 July 2022.