Mindful Being

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Our personal vibration is our service to the world

'When we take responsibility for our own energy and the frequency that we emit, our vibration begins to attract towards us all the people, experiences and anything that resonates with our true calling'.

Louise Harris

This weekend, on the Shamanic Medicine Wheel we moved in the direction of the East. They say we 'fall into' the East because this is a full surrender into the internal magical child within. This is like a celebration of the previous directions where deep healing has taken place.

I was surprised by how much resistance came up for me in this surrender. Letting go and just being in the frequency of flow requires a deep level of trust and the ability to keep your heart open to fully embrace the deep peace and ecstatic bliss that lies within us all.

I witnessed the first belief of ego rearing its head. This is the belief in lack or unworthiness. Thoughts like, 'what makes you worthy of feeling the magic and unbounded happiness of the magical child?', came up for me.

Of course, I know that this protective personality (ego) is just trying to keep me safe.

I love catching the ego and illuminating where it's keeping me bound

The gifts of this direction are creativity, passion and joy. There's nothing more I want than that!

Ego illumination is the foundation of Embody Your True Essence. During this 8-week online masterclass course, we see how our protective personality has been programmed by our conditioning and life experiences to keep us safe, but in doing so it keeps us so much smaller than our true potential.

When our vibration matches our ego's beliefs, we are not a vibrational match for our highest potential.

If this level of self-enquiry resonates with you, the next course begins on February 22nd 2023. Click below for more information.