Mindful Being

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Transform unease

‘Even when he is still the selfish man is busy. Even when is his busy the selfless man is still ‘

Bhagavad Gita

One of humanity’s collective wounds is that of unease. Our personal energetic blueprint will dictate how unease is expressed: agitation, distraction, external gratification, addiction and so forth.

Resistance to stillness lies in this unease - the sense that all is not as we feel it should be. Beneath this lies the frequency of fear, or lack of trust in ourselves, and something bigger than us that orchestrates everything.

If we don't acknowledge our own unease, it drives us. We seek, do and strive to bring an end to it - but we never do. The neverending hamster wheel runs perpetually, through the illusion of external fulfilment.

Doing the inner work is a courageous journey into our unease, which again is why few choose to do it. And yet the gifts that lie underneath our own shadow of unease are pure gold.

Take a moment…

I invite you now to close your eyes and imagine ease, even for a few moments: Imagine a life with no unease - just full of ease.

During our self-growth and personal transformation journeys, we tap into two energy fields; powerful personal intuition and our personal trust. As we build these energetic muscles we systematically loosen the grip of unease.

This is a practice - it’s a rewiring process and it’s so worth the effort.

If this sounds like too much hard work, I can assure you that when life gets easy and begins to flow with ease, this will seem like the easiest path you've ever taken.

This is a subtle and gentle journey to remove all the illusions of what we think we are, and remember who we really are! From this place, more and more of your innate gifts are realised. What's more important than remembering and embodying your true essence?

The Women Who Gathered

Remember, we cannot purport to serve another if we are not filling our own cup first. This lesson is so powerful that myself and 33 other women, wrote a book about it called The Women Who Gathered.

Embrace Your True Essence was inspired by this journey to reclaim parts of me I didn't know were lost, to remember to honour the woman I have become and begin stepping into my true potential.

On the 22nd of February 2023, Embody Your True Essence will recommence. This 8-week online immersion is an opportunity to uplevel your personal growth journey through a powerful process that supports you to dissolve lack of consciousness, attachment to outcomes, and replacing fear with trust.