What is trusting the void? And how can you stop fighting it?

Trusting in the void is being in the space of the unknown and finding some peace with it. The void can show up as feeling lost, not sure what you want anymore, no direction, questioning yourself and your life.

Stop fighting the void 

This can feel so uncomfortable. As humans, conditioned to take control, we would rather ‘a’ Void than ‘be in the void’. The discomfort of this space can force us to reach for our personal self-soothers - this might be addictions to overdoing, consuming, food, alcohol or any form of distraction that takes us away from feeling the fear, frustration, judgement and so forth. If we take this the experience to the body so that we can become more present with it, our intelligent body will signal where we need to pay attention.

The seeds of this were planted for me when I mastered mind training and came to understand that my mind didn’t need to micromanage everything. When my mind softens its grip and allows me to feel, I have access to the infinite potential that can arise from surrendering to the void. 

The rational linear mind is limited. It creates more of what we have, not more of what our soul is calling for. Unhooking from the limitations of my mind has allowed me exponential growth and there’s so much more growth ahead of me.

In this short video, I explain why I am so loyal to mind training through regular mind gym sessions.

Energy coaching allows us to build the circuits so that we can be at peace in the unknown

Being at one with the void allows us to receive so much more of who we are. Being actively and persistently present in the void is a vibrational frequency of presence, curiosity, trust and self-compassion. With practice, this can be a sustainable experience and one from where we create and evolve, ultimately experiencing more of our potential.

Energy codes coaching can be a great antidote to fighting the void. Here, I explain how softening the grip of the mind, mastering the breath and moving the body with intention can create and maintain positive and lasting energetic changes. You can read more about Energy Codes Coaching on my website.

How to get started with Mind training

To explore your options for mind training and to book regular mind gym sessions, you can browse all appointments here. You can also download a 15 minute digital mind gym session for £33 which is yours to keep and practice when and where you want to.


Podcast: Spiritual Self Care with Louise and Helen


Your energy is your currency