What is your energy worth to you?

What if you were so empowered you knew that every single thing that has happened, or that is happening in your life is a reminder nudging you toward your own magnificence?

This is foundational to energy coaching and I would love to be your guide to help remind you of your innate superpower. Right now, more than ever, we need fully empowered humans - are you ready?

Our outer world is a reflection of our inner - so our life expands in accordance with inner growth

We didn't get taught how to pursue life in this empowered way. We’re taught that we need to acquire something in order to feel okay.

I’ve navigated this terrain for a while. I was successful in the conventional idea of success and yet I lived in a stressed-out body and a cancer diagnosis was the wake-up call that catapulted me on a path to rewire my neuro and energetic circuitry that lead to the transformational journey that unfolded - and is still evolving.

It's taken me a while, but it doesn't have to. If we believe it's going to take a long time to create change and get what we want, it does - that is what becomes true for us.

We’ve been taught that takes a long time to change habits or reach our desired goals. And, as you understand that life is not the linear world that we were raised in and allow for the possibility. You can have a different life experience in an instant. Quantum Science has shown us this is true.

Quantum science has proven that our thoughts, conscious or not, have the power to change how our DNA expresses - epigenetics. Our mind affects our physiology and our physiology changes the world that we live in.

Our potential is far beyond our current level of perception

When rewiring our circuitry we can access more of our pure potential which is our purpose here on earth.

If you are curious to learn more and deepen your own journey to remember your wholeness, you may wish to begin with with the Embrace Your True Essence journey - a 4-week course starting on 31st August.

If you are reading the book that I co-authored, The Women Who Gathered, you'll be feeling into the medicine that this healing work had on my life and the life of many women. There are 2 spots left on this journey and the last chance to experience this unique experience for £133.

Or, try Embody Your True Essence - an 8-week masterclass that begins 2nd November. There are 3 spots left. If you'd like to discuss this further before booking then email me to arrange a call

This needs to be a full body yes!

Louise x


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