Mindful Being

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2023 – which path will you take?

'The sheer aliveness of a clear and instantaneous knowing is the cornerstone of one’s true inner radiance and health'

Richard Rudd

Envisioning 2023 and expanding your attractor field

Will this year be the year that you take the golden path that aligns with the qualities of new earth?

Will you embody a higher frequency to attract all the lessons, experiences and inner knowing that will allow you to tap into the unique gifts that you came here to share?

Are you ready to break through the old paradigm of control, competition, superiority, struggle, protective personality, self-compromise, separation and pierce the material illusion?

Are you ready for the quantum leap in consciousness, to embody your sovereignty, your authenticity?

Are you ready to alchemise fear into trust, to connect deeper with yourself and others and to become to the creator of your own life - the new human?

My own shadows

For me, this year will be a deeper dive into my own shadow. If there's one thing I have come to know at a core level, it’s that my energy is my currency. When I'm not vibrating harmoniously, nothing in my life will either. The deeper I go into the shadow, the more light I am able to hold and more of my own gifts unfold - this is the magical gold path.

Do you want to join me?

The Embrace Your True Essence and Embody Your True Essence journeys are the golden path which evokes your inner guru.

Contact me for journaling questions to contemplate this new year.