Whats a die off and are you having one?

The more you know about, your true essence nature and the karmic lessons you carry with you in this lifetime, the easier things become.
When we wake up, we evolve our emotional body that sometimes goes through moods. We evolve the mental body that sometimes becomes anxious. We evolve our physical body that replays the anxieties of the mind and shows up as Dis- ease. 

This is the year of perpetual death and rebirth. If you are on a conscious path of self growth you will already be feeling the increasing potential that these times are offering us individually (and in the collective) to shed old skins and rebirth a lighter version of ourselves. 

It's only February and I have rapidly moved though some cycles of transformation and supported others to do the same.

The other side of feeling the icky is the bit I like to keep reminding myself and my students of - its a celebration of reclaiming more of our soul essence and the capacity to express this through our humanness. 

The die off experience is a process of alchemy that takes place through our energy body and within the cells and DNA structure. If you are curious about the science of this I recommend Jana Dixons book - Biology of Kundalini. This cellular metamorphosis alters our inner landscape and therefore our outer expression is transformed; the way we see, experience and engage with life is more graceful and aligned with our original essence.

What dies off is wasn't really us but a product of our conditioning and wounding. 

This months abide in your true essence theme is spaciousness. The quality of spaciousness is integral to the die off process because we have to feel to transform. The space to feel the emotion (energy in motion) allows the death and rebirth cycle to occur. 


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