Is your life force lagging?

'In the same way that we can ‘negatively impress’ the mind through trauma, we can also ‘positively impress’ the mind through spiritual insight, perceiving beauty, and feeling joy'. 

Louise Harris 

When we carry trauma (psychic knots) in our energy body or we are judging someone or something harshly or are unable to forgive we are negatively polarised energetically. What this means is that we are not spiritually balanced and therefore our life force energy is suppressed. 
When we positively polarise through a process of deep self enquiry and healing we can bring balance to our energy and unlock life force - this is our own energy that we can finally claim!!

When you have a spiritual breakthrough, in other words you illuminate a previously unconscious aspect of yourself (this will involve feeling something uncomfortable) and bring compassion to the process, you heal and the energy that you reclaim is so powerful it gives you more confidence to keep repeating this process - this is the spiritual path of healing.

There is no going back because you can never imagine returning to a less spiritually mature version of yourself. Over time this leads to a heart expansion that feels so ecstatic that nothing other than that will satiatite you. Essentially you begin to drink from your own inner elixir, no longer looking outside of yourself for gratification. 

Witnessing my students wake up to the truth of their own source of happiness - embracing and embodying their true essence in the biggest buzz. I'm currently  guiding a group of powerful women through week 10 of a 13 week embrace your true essence journey. This journey takes courage, vulnerability, strength and trust and I have witness these qualities in abundance in this current group of Sisters. 

I will be offering this container again in the Autumn


Whats a die off and are you having one?


The Second Birth