Mindful Being

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Abiding In Bliss & Sexual Healing

August is providing the energetic currency we need to continue and uplevel our Inner alchemy. A great question to ask is at what subtle level am I suppressing the rising of my own true nature? 

For me this has brought me to exploring my sexual, life force energy at a deeper embodied level. As I sit in the integration of some big healings, there is an opening and a softening that is hard to put into words. What I am feeling right now is a deep leaning into life and a fiery passion that's been dormant. This is really being fully alive in my own body and connected to the parts that have been unconsciously closed to life.
This is a deep sense of being home in my body, a trust in myself and the life path that I am on. A new level of inner worthiness and empowerment.

This goes beyond me.
Its an ancestral opening of consciousness that will help seed the future, clearing the illusions that we have been conditioned into. There's so much dormant wisdom, particularly in our wombs, that once activated, will clear the way for liberation, allowing us to become what we came here to be!
This is embodiment at a whole new level!

Like many of my students, the embrace your true essence journey of self enquiry brings us to that beautiful space of inner stillness, higher degrees of self love and more clarity around our purpose. From this space we begin to remember more and more of the innate essence. Our heart speaks louder, our intuition dials up and we can even begin to activate our dormant gifts. 

  Like many of us on this path of transformation, I have accessed some profound mystical experiences and peak levels of consciousness.
From a bodily perspective this is typically experienced as bliss and its ecstatic!!

 So how do we sustain these high frequency states?
We have to keep remembering. We know this intellectually, but the body forgets. The old circuitry brings us back into old patterns when we are challenged. This is why I am offering
abide in your true essence. This is a community platform for remembering more and supporting one another when we forget. This is where I will be re-investing more energy as I dedicate less to social media to hold a safe space with more practical tools to keep us all remembering. 
I want to support a community devoted to their personal growth, so that we can have a ripple effect on the wider collective.