Mindful Being

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Dare to be different

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

Anais Nin

My younger self spent many years trying to 'fit in'. I certainly didn't want to 'stand out'. I was bullied at school and even after I left school adults bullied me. Why? because my soul wanted me to grow and expand (that's what our soulful self is here for).

I spent years in a corporate job that allowed me to fit in, with ways of being that made me feel included. There was no requirement to express my uniqueness. I spoke the corporate language, kept my head down, got the job done and was paid well.

Inside my soul was yearning for more but I ignored all the signs until it screamed loudly with a big wake-up call to pay attention inside! That was the beginning of my awakening and many of you know that story.

After years of self-enquiry and personal soul growth, I am still and always will be evolving.

On Friday, during the first in a series of Wisdom Ceremonial Workshops, we explored how 'self-trust' and trusting the divine orchestration of our soul’s journey accelerates our path to awakening.

Indeed during a recent plant medicine ceremony, I was shown very clearly how our ego’s need for control is fruitless, unnecessary and in fact, an illusion.

Fear or any form of living in the future rather than the present can be alchemised with the energy of trust. The energy of trust can be mastered with practices designed to break the illusion of control. This is one of the modules we cover on Embody Your True Essence.

Dissolving egoic illusions is like a winning lottery ticket to a quiet mind

When we witness the stories that keep us bound, we experience an ease of being that is the closest to freedom I have ever been.

My students have experienced similar levels of expanded states of consciousness, seeing through the veils of illusion and deepening the remembrance of their unique essence.

'“his is about learning who you are and how to connect to your truth. I found that this beautiful circle is a safe place for taking the highest guidance from Louise and have come to the most wonderful place peace”

Louise - Student of Embody Your True Essence.

These days I am not concerned with fitting in. Indeed expressing our uniqueness is the medicine that the world needs right now. When I empower myself and others to do this my soul sings!

Every day I am grateful for the challenging life experiences that woke me up to my own mental suffering and allowed me to become still enough to hear the gentle voice of my soul that was silently speaking to me all along.