Enhance your spiritual intelligence
Experiencing spiritual adulthood is our soul’s purpose
The ways in which we evolve towards our own spiritual adulthood are many. We can take mind-based approaches like contemplation, self-enquiry, studying texts and mind training and through more embodied practices like yoga, breathwork that works specifically with the body’s energy.
A combined approach has the potential to accelerate our spiritual evolution
Why would you want to work with your energy body?
Let’s just say there’s a marvellous potential in awakening our dormant energy which can activate and align all our energy centres. In this process, we can unlock the unfathomable potential within each of us. We all have unique gifts. When we enhance the quality of our energy, everything in our life improves, including our innate gifts.
Are you curious to experience more of who you really are, to access your unique gifts?
When we awaken our Shakti energy we are bringing two energy polarities into union – the masculine and the feminine, Yin and Yang.
Ida is the feminine energy which runs Prana energy down the left side of the Kundalini spine and Pingala is masculine which runs Apana energy up the right side. The imbalance between these two energies creates a polarity that keeps consciousness in the body.
Through yogic practices, we can harmonise these energies and over time bring them into union. This union of opposites is pure energy activation and can bring our gifts into reality. We can experience prolonged bliss states and arouse our cosmic consciousness which is a deep sense of wholeness.
Before we activate this state we need to cultivate the capacity of our central nervous system to hold this energy without burning out. I know from personal experience, that if our system isn't cleansed before we embark on these powerful practices, we can pay the price physically and emotionally.
If mastering energy is something you feel drawn to, you may want to lay some foundations with energy coaching.