Mindful Being

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Free live Zoom call for self growth junkies

Are we mastering our mind to serve our true highest potential? Or are we trapped within our mind allowing the limiting thoughts to master us?

Science proves that we are a vibrational frequency. We create our reality with the frequency we emit, and we can do this with our thoughts.

Do you desire to make a difference in the world, and in your life experience?

Do you want to discover how to remain present with yourself and others?

Do you want to know how to remain anchored in your core so that you walk in peace with profound presence, even when the outer world feels uncertain and chaotic?

If you're on a self-growth journey, understanding the crafty ways that your ego attempts to keep you stuck in ways of being that no longer serve you is a must. Based on our survival instincts the protective personality does not give up its drive for control. So even when we have done some inner work, the ego cleverly tricks us into our old patterns.

Free Zoom call, 22nd July 2022 at 7pm

On June 22nd I'm holding a free live Zoom for anyone curious about how to truly mastering their mind. This goes beyond meditation.

We'll be covering the first 3 energy centres, which is where the ego resides and how our emotional guidance system is the key to unlocking which of the egos energies are playing out for us in our daily lives and limiting our capacity to experience our full potential.

Just as a fish can been so immersed and enmeshed in water it is unaware of its presence in its life, we too can become so enmeshed in the mind and the thoughts we think, that we believe that’s who we are.

Register online now.

The truth is… we are not our mind nor the thoughts it thinks

We are so much more than we think we are.

The mind is a powerful tool that plays an important part in creating our reality.

We have a great opportunity that we can realise as we walk this life - to free the mind to serve our true self, rather than allowing the mind to get caught up in the fearful anxious thoughts it creates in an attempt to keep us safe.

When we do, we experience a greater, more expansive and abundant reality. One that is full of possibility, joy, vibrant health, and love…

Our true nature is limitless and full of infinite possibility, beauty and bliss!

To experience this reality, we have to learn how to unattach from the mind and begin living from the deeper, more authentic version of ourselves - the Soulful Self.

Feeling called?

Sign up and join a like-minded, heart-centred community as we navigate the human self-growth journey together.