How 2% of your day can make the other 98% flow with more ease
Curious to know how to stop making life harder than it needs to be and use 2% of your day to make the other 98% flow with more ease?
Have you noticed....
you unconsciously react to things?
you can't rest when you need to rest?
you spend all day doing and accomplish little?
you judge yourself and others?
you frequently distract yourself with shopping, food, alcohol or being busy
Are you ready to ....
Learn to tune into your innate wisdom - the magic that is ALREADY inside of you
Learn to hear your own divine guidance.
Reclaim the bliss states that are our birthright
Energy Codes Coaching
Energy coaching builds the neural and energetic circuity to know that your contentment, peace, and well-being are within and not left to the whim of external circumstances. Embrace your power of choice in each moment.
Cultivate a curious beginner’s mind, letting go of all the mental labels and judgments, allowing us to be with life as it is unfolding and with people as they really are. Letting go of labels and seeing with fresh eyes.
Learn to master the art of working in a way that isn't driven by unconscious striving, is full of self-compassion, ample rest, and is free from burnout - slow down to speed up.
We get underneath the stories that keep us playing it small, self-sabotage, unhealthy patterns or behaviours or relationship that do not serve our highest potential.
Beautiful daily mantras by Shannon Kaiser
Download a copy of Shannon Kaiser’s wonderful book, ‘Find Your Happy Daily Mantras, 365 Days of Motivation for a Happy, Peaceful and Fulfilling Life’ here.
Mindful Ways of Being Facebook Group
Join the Mindful Ways of Being community on Facebook to receive a daily mantra for an inspired life -you can add me as a friend on Facebook and request an invite to join this community of conscious beings. I hope to see you there!