How simple practices can save your life
Our outer world is a reflection of our inner, so our life expands in accordance with inner growth.
How can energy mastery transform your life?
There is a channel of energy that runs through your body and into the earth constantly. This is foundational to knowing who you actually are and how you can create the life you desire.
When we work with our energy in a conscious way, we can access higher and higher frequencies.
As we access higher frequency energies, we transcend our lower density vibrational frequencies that manifests as limiting beliefs.
One of the foundational energy coaching breaths is a simple breath through the central channel up and down through the body whilst engaging specific anchor points. As we do this, we bring our conscious awareness onto the body and connect it with the breath.
When we live in our heads, we become ungrounded
We do all this thinking to try and keep ourselves grounded. As we get into the body and underneath the stories playing through our minds we've accessed another way to stay grounded. We don't have to think as much or draw on the mind to keep us centered and aligned.
We remain highly functional without worry or a need to figure things out.
They key to this foundational energy coaching breath:
When you inhale, the belly gets big. When you exhale, the belly gets small. It's not breathing into the upper lobes of the lungs at all. It's belly breathing.
Next squeeze all the muscles at the base of the pelvic bowl, right around the tip of the spine (Mula bandha) Not sure how? It’s as if your bladder was full, and you couldn't get to the bathroom for a while. You’d squeeze certain muscles to keep everything contained. What that does is bring your consciousness to the base of the spine and anchor it there so that you stay in the body.
You don't have to be in a state of meditation to build conscious awareness at the base of the spine. You can do this anytime, while you're walking around, sitting at the computer, watching a movie, or driving your car.
If you do meditate, begin your meditation by anchoring yourself in this way so that you begin the meditation at the base of the spine.
There are more nuances to this energy code breath. If you are curious and you'd like to practice moving your energy consciously you can download and keep the energy in motion meditation.
Working with this pranayama practice daily or at least 4 times a week is powerful beyond words.