Mindful Being

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Our flaws can be our greatest gifts. Are you ready to experience this miracle?

Today’s full moon and the eclipse season energy that follows is an invitation to let go of old patterns that are no longer in resonance with our highest good.

Here's my story of an old pattern that I found a challenge to let go of and the miracle that occurred when I did.

Mastering the skills of slowing down my overthinking mind and becoming more physically embodied set me on a pathway to optimise my wellbeing, but I remained in the grip of restless overdoing. This default way of being was ingrained in my DNA and however much I found stillness, it was followed by doing more.

I was slowing down to speed up more.

When it came to productivity I was winning, but this way of being comes at a cost. In the grip of this masculine ‘doing’ energy, I was depriving myself of my intuitive, creative flow and the freedom to express my true essence which is full of wisdom.

Our feminine energy is found in the surrender and trust in something much bigger.

The breakthrough for me was the realisation that I would have to learn to love my masculine, controlling ways to free myself. I leaned in to witness how my control and overdoing was my own survival strategy. It made me feel safe and for that, I chose to love it and then the miracle happened.

My feminine energy began to get a look in. I was more inflow, tapping into intuitive gifts that had been dormant for years and seeing how much freer I could be when I trusted and let go. Now I am co-creating with an intelligence that is beyond what my mind and body could ever manifest on their own.

So I used my masculine discipline, focus and drive to dedicate myself to daily rituals and practices and I turned my flaws into my gifts. As my intuition grew through meditation and energy mastery, I began to let go of playing it safe and small.

I learned to love one of my flaws and I discovered my gifts – that is the miracle.

What patterns can you begin to lean into to transform them into your gift?