Sexual Energy and Sexual Healing
'The Pathway of Love requires a deep surrender to the qualities of the Divine Feminine. No matter who you are or what your life circumstances, you are on the pathway to love. When we realise this in our lives it can bring things into focus. It is the most essential thing we are here to remember. All else in your life can fade into the background in the light of this truth'.
Richard Rudd
If you've been following my blogs for a while, you'll know that mastering sexual energy - our life force energy - is where the focus of my own work has been for the last few years.
I understand how many people, especially those sensitive to energy and who feel deeply, like to get out of their bodies. But I feel that our bodies are an incredible, intelligent technology we can use for our own ascension.
I like to use the body as a vehicle, using ancient yogic practices to access distorted energy for my own personal growth.
This is feminine healing, something I'll be teaching in the 6-week Embody Higher Frequencies course.
What's the difference between sexual energy and sexual healing?
This question has plagued me for the last few years. I attended a shamanic wheel of sexuality masterclass to try and get into the roots of my own sexual healing and this was very powerful, but I still couldn't understand how my own sexual energy could help me heal my sexuality - and yet I knew I had healing to do around intimacy. Turns out it was much more than that...
Of course, like all healing, there is divine timing at play. We need to have the space, the stillness and the self-love to invite in the healing.
I have been very devotional around my feminine healing (healing my emotional body) so when I gifted myself the other ingredients; space, time and self-love, the wounds rose up to be witnessed.
Of course, seeing a wounding can initially invoke a recoil, as you witness the shadow and fall into the old habit of turning away. Distraction, being busy, anything but leaning in. So, I witnessed my own aversion and softened, approached myself like a Mother would her child and saw my innocence. As this wounding rose I became very aware that this was not only mine but a collective wounding around sexual shame and was definitely ancestral.
An empowering question that I asked myself was 'who modelled your empowered sexuality? And of course, there was nobody, because for most of us our lineage carries wounding and this is reinforced by our conditioning, media and our culture at large.
Sitting in the discomfort of shame and witnessing how I have abandoned myself and given my sexual energy away to feel accepted, is a deep act of self-intimacy.
What rose out of this deep unease was what I can only describe as a divine reunion with my inner divine feminine.
It's very hard to put a personal healing journey into words because there are really no words that can do it service. But I try, in the hope of inspiring and motivating others on the healing path.
The expansion available on the other side of healing completely outweighs the discomfort of sitting rather than turning away.
If feminine healing is something that you feel called to and would like to do in a supportive container with other women over a 7-month period, take a look at the Feminine Alchemy Immersion. Sarah from School Of Forgotten Wisdom and I are running this again from October 2023. Contact me to find out more if you'd like to go on the waitlist.
When we connect with our deeper feminine
We unlock the shakti within us…
We have more energy, more than buckets of coffee especially if we’re infused with cacao
We access the pulse of our intuition.
We access our creative flow, the source of our new ideas, programs, & visions
We alchemize our deepest emotions, clearing everything to make space for our quantum leap
We access the pleasure zone more effectively.
When we feel our higher self communicating through the pleasure-feeling spectrum we access our inner GPS, pointing towards your next expansion!