Unbinding yourself

Unbinding yourself from everything that keeps you out of your highest expression

Following a week of gorgeous cleansing ceremonies and potent cosmic energy to work with I am currently immersed in a weekend of ancestral healing with my family of shamanic practitioners.

What is so crystal clear is that we all have free will and can choose to remain in our old patterns, beliefs and ways of being or we can grow and expand - we can do the work.

Our stories shape our lives

When we take a look at these stories and they energy they hold, we are one huge step closer to clearing that which keeps us out of our fullest potential.

Holding on to the energy that keeps us bound can have far reaching consequences. Initially this might be a tricky menopause, loss if libido, low mood and energy, rapid cellular ageing which may give us the nudge we need to pay attention. Even then we can still choose not to do the work. Or we can have the courage to take a look and begin the self enquiry that leads to change and expansion.

I use the word courage because holding space for yourself to heal is the deepest act of self honouring and courage. There is always resistance - I am feeling this right now with the ancestral healing, but the freedom on the other side of the healing is worth it.

You are worth it.

New courses for personal growth

Embrace Your True Essence was divinely timed for those ready to realise the potency of the new season’s energy and journey deeper to discover what lies beneath the conditioning and old patterns that keep us playing small.

It is an opportunity to clear space to align with what we are here to do.

We are living in a time of extraordinary collective energetic shifts. The cosmic energy is rising in vibration fully supporting us to step into the fullest expression of ourselves. By clearing what keeps us stuck and up levelling our wise intuition, we are free to embody our unique essence. We have the potential, as a collective, to raise the consciousness of humanity.

So what is this 4 week journey?

We will be reclaiming our body's wisdom and our heart centeredness by unlocking anything in our energetic biofield that's keeping us you bound and out of our fullest and highest potential. We are all torch bearers in our own way, we are here to shine our own unique expression of light to raise our consciousness and vibration and the consciousness and vibration of others.

Some questions you might like to consider:

  • Are you ready to do your healing work? This is a courageous commitment to 'doing the work'.

  • How important is your own evolution? Are your ready for personal growth which leads to change?

  • Are you comfortable holding space for yourself and others without judgement? To see another as whole even when they are vulnerable and to witness their blossoming?

  • How much radical self-love can you handle?

Don’t settle for only living a fraction of your potential, because the world needs your brilliance, gifts and talents right now!


Three thoughts, three questions


A new habit to address stress