Unlock what you want from the inside

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled.
For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers
M. Scott Peck

We can read all the spiritual books and attend all the workshops but unless we are using life as a teacher and integrating its lessons through embodiment we are not going not going to graduate from separation consciousness. 

We need to begin participating in unity right now every day!

Each life lesson we integrate raises our spiritual intelligence 

What carries the most karmic energy
Thoughts, Feelings or Actions?

Actions are the most potent way to spiritually polarise from separation to unity consciousness

When we use each life experience as a catalyst we are in the front row seat of the classroom. Top class students ask life to show them how they can be purified – 'send me the lessons to show me my attachment, fears, control'  
This is how we earn grace

The single most important spiritual practice is? 

Catalyst integration

A catalyst is any experience that can be used for growth

We use the life experience to Illuminate where our imbalances are

We filter the catalyst through our energy (chakra system). We become like living crystals attuning the chakras through a process of healing - reclaiming our life force. 

Our karmic/energy body attracts our life experiences to us. Life is always serving us the perfect lessons. When we consciously look for the lessons we learn them. Until then we stay in the same loop – cycling through old limited ways of being until we are ready to wake up and see what life is perfectly bringing in to teach us. 

The process of using life as a spiritual teacher is the essence of what we begin to learn and embody through the true essence path 

The more we practice this – the easier it becomes to integrate 
Overtime there is more collapsing of duality – dissolving of suffering

If we don’t pay attention and remain unconscious to the lessons life is teaching us, the karmic energy filters though the body and is expressed as a physical distortion – illness, aging, compromised life force.
So if life is showing us where we need to evolve through a catalysts and we are missing it – the body will eventually express this unprocessed energy in the form of disease. 

In the true essence path we learn powerful tools to integrate our life catalysts. This is 3 forms of healing which leads to spiritual balancing - coming into harmony with life. From here we are no longer seeking, we have mastered the art of unlocking our deep desires from inside.

The next online true essence path commences in May. This is 3 part journey than begins with a 4 week course that I recommend to every woman, even those that  don't feel ready to go down the full true essence rabbit hole. Click below for full course details 

Reparent the younger part of you that needs healing, celebrate the women you are and meet the women you are becoming.
A 4 week online journey of introspection & healing through enquiry and embodiment starts again in May


The medicine of altered states