Mindful Being

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What if you knew you are exactly what you seek?

"Success is realising that what we are searching for is not out there”

Louise Harris

This week also took those of us on the Embody Your True Essence Immersion into week 6 - illuminating how the ego keeps us trapped in the illusion of outcome happiness. The next high, the holiday, the next achievement, the bigger house.

This false belief of ego keeps us on the hamster wheel, trapped in an unwinnable game. What we’re truly seeking is eternal happiness, and nothing outside of ourselves can give us any more than an impermanent false high.

“When we achieve an outcome, the ego barely slows down to appreciate it before chasing the next one”

This powerful egoic programme urges us to seek and attach to identities which are essentially outcomes; 'I'm a great athlete’, 'I'm a funny person', 'I'm a sensitive person'…

Anything that gets in the way of this identity triggers our emotional guidance system to respond with anger, irritation, jealousy, frustration and so forth.

So this week, we are using powerful self-enquiry practices that investigate this belief of ego, using our emotional guidance system to help us illuminate where we have outcomes on a pedestal.

Using meditation, contemplation, mantra, kriya pranayama, and ecstatic breathwork we are rewiring our circuitry to stop searching for what we don't have and rest in what we have never lost.

After all, when you think about all the things you have achieved throughout your life, have any of them delivered eternal happiness?

If you're curious to understand how our protective human personalities keep us bound and you are ready to reprogram this outdated system and replace it with new circuitry that can open up a myriad of possibilities, there's still one spot left on the next 8-week immersion recommencing February 22nd 2023.

'You suffer because you desire'
