Yoga is frequently misunderstood
'Our experiences in this lifetime reflect what is already happening in the body-mind system'
~Sue Morter
Regardless of whether we’re barely able to move into a pose, or are flying through poses with ease, the yoga mat provides the same loving presence. Whether we love or struggle through an experience, the mat remains as our unwavering sacred space.
So what is yoga, really?
We are all energy - science and spirituality have had to agree on this one. How we move our energy in the body through movement and breath is a reflection of how we live our lives.
In yoga we move the body into sacred shapes called a yoga pose or asana. When united with the breath and our presence, we begin to embody the truth that our true fulfilment does not lie outside us.
Yoga is a path to awakening to our innate bliss
In yoga, like life, we come up against our edges. We all have edges and we associate these with limitations. The question we can ask here is “What if I am simply at this edge meeting more of me?”.
Breath by breath. Tiny surrender by tiny surrender you embody and reveal more. This ability to let go and surrender is our greatest challenge. It's a challenge both on the mat and in daily life when we live from our heads.
We are conditioned to jump into the mental body and attempt to push this body system into a position we perceive it's “supposed to be in.”
The invitation is to allow the sacred container of the yoga mat to guide you in how to stay present and meet what is with compassion. As we do, we surrender and can feel into what’s next, in a pose and in life.
As we welcome our edge and focus the mind there, we allow this felt sensation at the edge of our consciousness to expand from the inside out. We emerge more fully into life from within this body-mind system because we build circuits to fill in the gaps between where we are now and where we want to be, without force.
We allow energy to flow as we let go of attempts to control or force life through our mind’s limiting beliefs.
Transformational Yoga, Embodied Movement & Breath Work
In 121 transformational yoga, the yoga mat is our sacred container. Everything we learn to embody on the mat reflects our life, from the patterns we are stuck in, to the deep desires and dreams we are calling in.
I am also currently offering energy coaching online. If you are on a journey of more profound self-discovery and would like to embody some tools to help you access more of your innate potential, energy coaching can meet you where you are. These sessions are booked in blocks of 6. Contact me for more information and to to book.