Access higher states of consciousness

Your body is a microcosm of your life. When energy is stuck, we feel stuck in life.

Energy work is not about achieving or doing more, it is feeling the next level of fullness and contentment that allows you to live an abundant life on all levels.

Often we access only a narrow bandwidth of our potential. Energy Codes Coaching allows you to access more and become more of who you are.

  • Healing from a physical or mental illness

  • Rebuilding a relationship

  • Embracing change

  • Becoming a better leader

These are all journeys to access more of our potential. We can accelerate these journeys by accessing higher vibrational frequencies that unlock stuck energy that is keeping us bound.

Energy Codes Coaching helps us master our energy differently

The practices help soften the grip of the mind and mental afflictions that keep us trapped in our stories, to experiential shifts that help us transform our relationship to our life from the inside out. When we begin to master energy our experience of life changes, we awaken to more of who we are.

We have a tendency to live in our heads and approach life’s challenges by analysing and processing them at a cerebral level. With Energy Codes Coaching we get underneath the story that plays out in our head. When we access the energy behind the story, we can make changes far more effectively. Approaching life’s challenge from an energetic perspective and engaging the body is exponentially more powerful than an approach that uses the mind alone.

In Energy Codes Coaching, we don't ask the mind why - we take it to the body and ask where

Energy Codes Coaching meets you where you are at and works with your personal intentions. We identify the energetic blocks that are keeping you playing small so that you can step into the fullness of your authentic self. The practices are designed to create new energic circuitry. Our body knows more than our minds when it comes to our limiting beliefs.

This is not talking therapy, it's faster and gets to the route of a challenge quicker.

Your energy is your superpower. If you feel depleted, chances are your energy isn't moving as it should. Or maybe you are disempowering yourself by giving it away?

Energy Codes Coaching is a 121 programme that is delivered on a 121 basis in person or online. If you feel you might benefit from this process then please contact me for a no-obligation conversation to explore how it might help.


Are you playing your full song or just tapping into a few notes?


Energy Codes Coaching: what is it? And why do we need it?