Are you playing your full song or just tapping into a few notes?

If you’d have told me even a year ago that I would be holding space for women to become empowered through connecting with their own wisdom and evoking their hidden gifts, I wouldn't believe you.

Today I spend my days doing just that, along with transformational yoga and mind training, leading others to life-changing, sustainable change that embraces their gifts.

My students are my biggest teachers

I have been on a pilgrimage to my own healing and transformation for years, and always will be. When I’m in service to others, supporting them on their own unique journeys, my own wisdom deepens.

How did I make this shift? The short answer is trust. I learned to deeply trust myself and a power much bigger than me, that, together with my intention, is always orchestrating my soul-led work; being in service to others who are also invested in their personal growth.

Learning to trust myself was a practice of going inwards, understanding myself at a deeper level and learning to love my true essence. I know that might sound corny, but that is the inner work and I am still in progress.

When you turn your lens inwards and pay attention inside, you shine a torch to what holds you back

Illuminating the shadow or wounded aspects of yourself feels unconfirmable but it’s the only way to liberate yourself – as Rumi says, ‘the wound is where the light enters’.

Nobody teaches us this. We are trained to use our minds to analyse and problem solve. This cerebral approach to life keeps us in our heads. The mind is wired to keep us safe, focused on seeking pleasure outside of ourselves and avoiding pain. This keeps us tied in duality, as one always equals the other.

But our true intelligence lies in our body and our ability to feel and sense. So when we want to understand why something is not working out for us, or why we can’t accomplish something, instead of asking the mind why, we can learn to ask the body where – to feel the why.

This may sound overwhelming or a stretch too far, so from where you are, let's keep this simple – the micro choices we make each day go a long way.

Join me, everyone is welcome

If you’re new to this, begin with mind training and commit to a short practise each day to cultivate the silent witness and allow your intuition to rise. This is where the magic happens and the transformational journey begins.

I’m excited for anyone who steps into this space of remembering their own intuitive gifts and the level of deep fulfilment that is available to us all. If you'd like me to be your mentor or guide it would be my honour.

I'm not yet singing my full song but I've accessed many more of my notes and I invite you to do that same - join me on the path of self-discovery and enlightenment, you'll never look back!


A one-stop-shop for your inner work


Access higher states of consciousness