Mindful Being

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Your energy is your currency

We are all energy. Right down to our cellular level.

A great daily practice is to simply sit in your own energy. Feel your vibrational field, notice how it changes from day to day and become familiar with your own energy blueprint.

Understanding and managing our energy is like having the key to the ignition to live our fullest life. Below you will find some tips and offerings to support you take charge of and supercharge your energy.

What factors contribute to healthy energy?

Optimal energy isn't jumping around in a high state of arousal everyday. Energy health is being able to sense and feel what's yours and what's not yours.

Detecting when you're out of balance early and implementing strategies that work to bring you back quickly. Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries is critical, along with being comfortable in the discomfort or the unknown. Understanding that feeling off or not at ease is a wonderful opportunity for growth. This all takes practice.

When we find ourselves blaming others or our external environment for our feeling of being off centre, it’s a clear sign we need some introspection, to go within to do some self enquiry; to 'do the work'.

My own journey of doing the work has been incredibly insightful, hugely transformational and the growth I experience on a daily basis has become indescribable. My commitment to doing the work has be reinforced by the massive benefits I've experienced. This is not a once a week practice, its moment to moment conscious living.

Top 5 energy balancing essentials

  1. Sleep. Have your read Matt Walkers book - Sleep? This says it all along with the research to back up. Its simple - we literally die without sleep and good quality sleep is a must. If you're not sleeping well, explore why and please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Bedtime yoga will set you up for restorative sleep.

  2. Rest . As well as sleep, our body needs to rest and our nervous system needs to recharge. A daily 10 minute meditation is proven to restore your energy and nourish you at a cellular level. Capitalise on your brains neuroplasticity and train it to help you optimise your energy. This is covered in depth on the 5 week mindfulness immersion course. If you understand why and are just looking for the how, it’s all about creating a habit. Drop the mind gym sessions into your calendar and commit the time to train your brain.

  3. Nutrition. The quality of our soil means our food quality these days is fairly poor and the prolific number of toxins we consume through our food and our skin wreak havoc on our immune, digestion and endocrine systems, not to mention our brain chemistry. Minimising refined sugar goes a long way to helping us balance our energy.

  4. Movement. Healthy heart rate variability is a pathway to longevity and it’s a no brainer where energy is concerned. Get out in nature for Mother earth medicine - fresh air, natural daylight and feet on the ground for a supercharged energy balance. Flexible body = flexible mind. Create space in your body daily. If you're at a desk all day this is a must.

  5. Breath. Are you a nasal breather? If not, start now - and if you're not convinced look at the science to support this. Breathing isn't just sucking air in and out for cellular exchange of oxygen and waste. Every breath we take influences our heart rate, digestion, our attitude, sleep, metabolism, endocrine system and much more . Mammals with the lowest resting heart rate live the longest and these are the animals that breath the slowest. Subtly toning the muscles of respiration allows us to breath more efficiency and in doing so we can hack our autonomic nervous system - a route to optimal health and longevity. We'll be mastering these techniques in our bedtime yoga sessions.