Transform unease
Agitation, distraction, external gratification, addiction and so forth. Read more about how unease appears in our lives and how we can live without it.
Our personal vibration is our service to the world
Read how, when our vibration matches our ego's beliefs, we are not a vibrational match for our highest potential.
The foundations of purification
Learn how to experience more of the depths of your own self each and every time you meditate.
Our personal growth is proportionate to our willingness to heal
We can attend all the self-improvement courses on offer but without the courage to illuminate what needs healing within, our capacity to evolve and access our highest potential is limited.
Going where few dare to go
Once we have some tools to keep us grounded in our core stability, and we know how to bring our nervous system back into balance quickly, we’re ready to take the deeper journey to into ourselves.
It's not just part of getting older
Join me as I consider warning signs, dis-ease and how we can change the narrative that the cause is us just getting older.
Our true purpose is to fully show up for ourselves first
Discover ways to dial up your self-care and tap into your creative essence
On retreat: When there are simply no words
Read more about my week-long retreat in Glastonbury. Just, wow.
Yoga is frequently misunderstood
Read my thoughts on what yoga really is and how it is a pathway to awakening our innate bliss.
Healing does not mean you are broken
Discover the qualities of healing and how you can adopt them in this short look at why healing is not for the broken.
Living from shadow and struggle or harmony and ease
When we are living from our shadows we frequently feel unsettled. Read more to find out the two foundational qualities you need to become more healthy.
High-Frequency Living
Our bodies are not wired to hold peak states of bliss and abundant joy. We have to rewire our neurobiology and energetic circuitry if we want to access these high states of consciousness.
Do you have the courage to choose self illumination?
Our minds can be our biggest obstacle, but with training, this powerful tool can help us become a master of manifestation.
Meet your future self
When you envision your Future Self you immediately have access to pulling that self and the life, to the present moment.
How simple practices can save your life
There is a channel of energy that runs through your body and into the earth constantly. This is foundational to knowing who you actually are and how you can create the life you desire.
What is your energy worth to you?
We didn't get taught how to pursue life in this empowered way. We’re taught that we need to acquire something in order to feel okay.
The most wonderful book review
“Louise Harris, I am having an amazing experience reading this book and feel so connected to each individual as I am reading their stories…” Read the full review here.
How much growth can you handle?
Self-nurturing is a fundamental expression of self-love. And without that, you're short-changing anyone else you purport to love. We cannot be in service to others unless we keep our own energetic cup full.
What do you fear more than happiness?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us” - Marianne Williamson
Free live Zoom call for self growth junkies
On June 22nd I'm holding a free live Zoom for anyone curious about how to truly mastering their mind. This goes beyond meditation. Find out why.