What is healing really?
We use the word healing and shadow work frequently in this community but what do we mean?
We are ultimately referring to an emotional breakthrough.
What does it actually mean to transform your Shadows? How do you do it?
The wobble starts inside of us
This week sees me in a group of spiritual voyagers begin the journey to embody higher frequencies.
Diving deeper to rise higher
3 years ago I stepped onto the shamanic path. I had no idea where this would take me, I was following a strong calling. This weekend I step into a deeper shamanic container - embracing the shadow.
Your sacred wound is your gift
Imagine, what would your life look like without your small self in the driving seat? In this blog we look at some of the ways your sacred wound can keeps you in lack of consciousness, and fear of not being in control or attached to outcomes.
Optimising our school room earth experience
Everyday life is our schoolroom. When we approach life through this awakened lens, every moment becomes precious.
Unlock dormant DNA by remembering who you really are
Musings from the 13-day ‘Ego Eradicator’ process that is currently being undertaken by 40 inspiring self-mastery students.
THIS is the moment of healing
Let's be honest, conscious healing involves tears, snot, purging, primal sounds, swearing, pain body activation, sweating and much more. At that moment, I remind myself and others - ‘this is the moment of healing'.
Transform through the fire of suffering
One of my own biggest wounds was believing I wasn't wounded. Comparing my suffering to others who I perceived as worse off. Read more to discover how denial of our own pain is the first barrier to healing.
Sexual Energy and Sexual Healing
In this blog, I share my thoughts and experiences on my personal journey to mastering sexual energy.
Awaken Your Inner Guru
The excavation of your shadows can be tricky because our ego/protective personality is hardwired to keep these parts hidden to keep us feeling safe. Discover how to breakthrough in this blog.
Relationships as mirrors
Discover the gift of working with your relationship as a mirror in order to no longer be pulled down into someone else’s projection field but retain your own high frequency, no matter the circumstances.
Are you an evolutionary?
Are you ready to take the real path to access your highest potential - to go inside and fully feel all the icky feelings?
Metamorphosis. Is it time for yours?
During this number 7 universal year, life on school room Earth will ask us to become still enough to allow more self-introspection. If you are ready, this year has the potential for serious transformation.
Dare to be different
How 'self-trust' and trusting the divine orchestration of our soul’s journey accelerate our path to awakening.
What's the most important knowledge you can ever acquire?
Read about what we've just completed over the last 8 weeks of Embody Your True Essence.
Vital life force energy, where does yours go?
Discover how to imagine rewiring your life force energy to serve your life purpose, and discover the potential of your sexual energy.
2023 – which path will you take?
Are you ready to alchemise fear into trust, to connect deeper with yourself and others and to become to the creator of your own life - the new human?
Do you get in your own way?
Discover how we cultivate the flow state, third eye activation and the understanding that life is always supporting us if we don't get in its way in Embody Your True Essence, week 7.
What if you knew you are exactly what you seek?
This week also took those of us on the Embody Your True Essence Immersion into week 6 - illuminating how the ego keeps us trapped in the illusion of outcome happiness…
Lack, or abundance?
Sexuality, lack and abundance. Important topics from this week that have enabled me to advance my spiritual maturity.